\’The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes\’ Chapter 7 of \’Outliers: The Story of Success\’ by Malcolm Gladwell

\’The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes\’ Chapter 7 of \’Outliers: The Story of Success\’ by Malcolm Gladwell

After reading Chapter 6 of the textbook and reviewing the chapter PowerPoint presentation, read Chapter 7 of \’Outliers\’ by Malcolm Gladwell. (The most essential sections of Chapter 7 begin on page 182 and end on page 209: sections 3-6, and sections 8-10.)

Discussion Question Rubric:

1. Complete Initial Response – 10 Points: Your initial response should be fully developed addressing the question with adequate examples from your life experience and thoughtful explanation of why or how. A complete initial response is a minimum of 200 words in length.

2. Appropriate Integration of Course Terms – 10 Points: your initial response should appropriately integrate course terminology and concepts from the assigned reading.

3. Format – 10 Points: Course terms (key terms from the chapter reading) you focus on in your initial response must be bolded, or typed in all CAPITAL letters so that they stand out on the screen. In addition, each course term must have a corresponding page references to the course textbook.

4. Organization, evidence of proofreading, spelling checked and proper capitalization- 15 Points: Your posts should demonstrate that you carefully proofread, be organized, free of spelling errors, typos and fragments and follow capitalization conventions.
Chapter 7 of \’Outliers\’ recounts the events before the January 1990 plane crash of Avianco flight 052. Gladwell points out that there were cultural differences between the cockpit crew and ground control. One cultural value Gladwell considers is how high versus low power distance affected the situation.

Analyze this same situation in terms of high versus low context. Do not discuss power distance as Gladwell already provides that analysis. Decide whether the cockpit crew valued high or low context. Explain. Also, decide whether ground control valued high or low context. Explain. Be careful not to summarize the situation. This assignment is about analyzing the situation. Be sure to carefully read \’Analyzing versus Summarizing\’ in modules.

Finally, imagining we could go back in time before the plane crash, what suggestions would you offer as to how more competent intercultural communication could take place between the cockpit crew and ground control. Be specific. Don\’t forget to integrate course terms from Chapter 6 as well as corresponding page references to the textbook.

The textbook \”Communication Between Cultures by Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, Edwin R. McDaniel & Roy, 9th edition, ISBN 9781285444628.\”for chapter 6 you can get it from kindle with username:*** and password: ***

and also i attached the pdf for chapter 7 outliers