Assignment: Respond to the fellow classmate\’s forum response as if you are a classmate giving your positive/negative opinions/views of their post.

Assignment: Respond to the fellow classmate\’s forum response as if you are a classmate giving your positive/negative opinions/views of their post. USE THE UPLOADED MATERIAL FOR RESPONSE EXAMPLES. Their instructions for their post from the professor are in the following parenthesis: \”Describe how you will integrate media literacy into your teaching classroom and add how you\’d apply the six facets of understanding i.e. explanation, interpretation, application, perspective, empathy and self-knowledge.\”Peer Student\’s Post for Critique by Media Classroom/J. Yeater .: I think its safe to say that in today’s modern world of technology, we have become accustomed to being exposed to many different technologically advanced electronic devices that provide more than just entertainment; for instance computers and the world wide web offering practically an endless search capability, as well as access to books, games, and many other learning tools that can be beneficial to young minds. Curriculum based solely on textbooks is not technically “a thing of the past”, our society has just undergone significant changes over the years and has made available to us many beneficial resources that promote a healthier learning environment by increasing the motivation to learn, think, and understand what is being taught, and the message being relayed; whether from a textbook, television, or the internet or advertisements. It is frightening to see what is freely available to us and how easily anything can be intentionally presented in an inappropriate manner and not recognized as inappropriate by many as their interpretations of it may not be the same as what it truly is intended to mean. Our younger generations have access too and are susceptible to various media messages that may or may not be appropriate at their maturity level. Our ability to comprehend and fully understand a message, whether it is from a book or by some electronic or visual means, falls within the category of literacy. Media literacy is just that, our understanding of the material from a source outside of a standard textbook. As our classrooms continue to undergo changes, so do the interpretations of the learning concepts and how we define them. There has been various definitions come about in regards to media literacy. The following are from this weeks reading and were published seven years apart, but portray a similar definition of the term media literacy. The Alliance for a Media Literate America termed media literacy as, “ media literacy empowers people to be both critical thinkers and creative producers”, and “communication technologies transform society, they impact our understanding of ourselves, our communities, and our diverse cultures.” (Jacobs, pg141) The Partnership for 21st Century Skills peeled back the onion a little further and described media literacy as, “understanding both how and why messages are constructed and for what purpose, and how individuals interpret the message differently and how it can influence beliefs and behaviors.” Overall, media literacy can provide a more positive and enjoyable learning environment by encouraging creativity and critical thinking in order to reach the established learning standards. In order to incorporate media literacy into the classroom, teachers must first learn the culture of the generation they are dealing with. One of the biggest challenges to overcome is that teachers must first ensure they can distinguish themselves the good from the bad and what it is that will both encourage critical thinking and keep the students interest along the way in order to reach the established goal of understanding. One subject in particular caught my eye as I was reading, health education. This subject matter is everywhere you look and go, plastered on billboards, clothing, television, magazines, and readily accessible throughout the Internet.

Three Lab Exercises

Lab 1:
This is a Lab exercise consisting of eight questions, and you don\’t need to find any outside sources at all.

There are 8 problems in total, and they have different instructions, please follow the instructions on the worksheet and below:
#1: Follow the instruction on the worksheet
#2a,2b,2c: convert the quantities and make sure to show your steps
#3: Make sure to show your steps
#4a: Use the data to answer to question and make sure to show your steps
#4b: show your steps and make a conclusion in few sentences
#5a,5b: include an explanation in your answers
#6a,6b,6c: draw the lines by following the instructions and attach the pics to a doc (it will be better if you can print out the page and draw, then scan the page to the doc after drawing)
#7: follow the instructions on the paper
#8: follow the instructions on the paper

This is a link for you to draw isobar if you don\’t know how.

Lab 3:
This is a Lab exercise consisting of nine questions, and you don\’t need to find any outside sources at all. Make sure to show your steps in any calculations.

#1: you can use excel to graph
#2: The correct answers are:City A-Dallas, City B-Minneaplis, City C-Seattle, City B-Miami, please briefly explain why for each in few sentences.
#3: You can skip this question
#4a: draw the isotherms on figure 3.35 and attach it
#4b,#4c: answer in few sentences
#5: The correct answer are: first one is Omaha, second is New York and the last one is Eureka, briefly explain why for each.
#6: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#7: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#8: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#9: skip this question
#10: follow the instructions on the worksheet

Lab 6:
This is a Lab exercise consisting of nine questions, and you don\’t need to find any outside sources at all. Make sure to show your steps in any calculations.

#1: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#2:draw on two isobars in figure 6.41
#3:make sure to show your steps
#4: follow the instructions on the worksheet and answer the question for each in few sentences
#5: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#6: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#7: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#8: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#9: follow the instructions on the worksheet
#10: skip this problem

Science Based Op-Ed on Why people judge others

For this assignment, you will write a 750 word science-based op-ed that brings relevant psychological research to bear on an important social problem. Students are informed that, although op-eds come in many forms, the best papers share several key features: They identify a specific puzzle (e.g., Why are U.S. obesity rates increasing?), examine the problem in light of current scientific thinking (theory) and evidence (e.g., research findings), and communicate some novel insight about the nature of the problem or propose a solution based on available evidence. You are required to use three or more external sources beyond course readings to support their arguments. For each argument you make, you should cite at least one source to support your claims (e.g., studies show that one’s social networks influence whether a person is obese or of normal weight”). Make sure to cite your sources both in the paper (when appropriate, e.g., Brown, 2011) and at the end of the paper as “references.” However, be careful that you don’t fall into the trap of simply repeating or quoting what another person has said. Use the information and sources you find to bolster your argument.

Acquisition Support and Risk Analysis Effects on Information Security

As an expert in health informatics and health information systems, you have been contacted buta rural hospital to investigate a programming error.Due to a programming error, 19 members of a large healthcare organization received e-mailmessages containing private healthcare information about multiple other members. A root causeanalysis showed that organizational issues played a significant role in this security breach.You will discuss how the Risk Analysis and Management processes described are applied tothis caseIn addition to this, the CIO and stakeholders of the rural hospital are discussing the possibleacquisition of their organization by a large healthcare provider. One reason for the acquisition isthat the facility needs the technology updates to provide quality care; however, there are limitedfunds to obtain the products needed.The hospital is aware of the immediate need to invest in an electronic medical record system.This will be a significant investment, and not all of the organization’s stakeholders are on boardwith the purchase. The CIO asks you to write a report that supports the purchase of the EMRsystem.Review the administrative safeguard section, beginning on page 259. Create a 5-6 page paperthat discusses how the Risk Analysis and Management processes described are applied to thiscase. Additionally you are to defend the value of EHR purchase. In your defense, cite at leastthree points that defend the purchase. Use the information obtained from our textbook and internet searches to complete your post. Do not forget to cite your sources following APAformatting principles.

How to perform better and reduce stress?

First: Chose Tope is How to perform better and reduce stress?Please choose one topic from the above list.Second: Make sure you discuss the information technology, the technology tools and possibilities and its usage within your topic of choice.Third: Your paper will be 4-5 pages.Please go to the following URL to learn about research paper writing