Make up a title – Write a brief recitation of the facts of the case, indicating the identities of the parties, their relationship.

The purpose of the writing assignment is to assess each students ability to read a case or statute and extrapolate the legal and ethical principles discussed and expounded therein and apply those principles to factual situations.
Contract negotiations offer many possible ethical dilemmas in employer/employee relations. Many of these dilemmas manifest themselves in the execution of a non-compete agreement, and in the terms of the non-compete agreement.
You will need to find two Florida Court opinions regarding non-compete agreements.
For each case, you must provide the following: 1) a brief recitation of the facts of the case, indicating the identities of the parties, their relationship; 2) a brief recitation of the issue(s) considered by the court or governing body as it concerns the non-compete agreement considered; 3) a summary of the courts decision on the issue and the reason why the court came to this decision; and 4) a discussion of the ethical issues involved. The court may not itself consider the ethics of the relationship between employer and employee. However, I ask that you consider the ethics of the following: a) did the employee violate the non-compete agreement? b) was it ethical for the employee to do so? c) did the non-compete agreement exceed the scope allowable by law? d) was it ethical for the employer to ask for the non-compete agreement in question?
For each case you are citing, you will need to provide me with a case citation, as well as the source for your case, whether it be a legal text, a website, or some other source. This assignment must be at least 1,000 words long, but may not exceed 2,000 words. Each student must turn in their own assignment. This is not a group assignment.