How would you compare and contrast the Dhammapada with the Bhagavad Gita in regards to structure, style and apparent purpose?

This is a five page paper for a class called Nobility and Civility. The class explores eastern texts and philosophy. We have read several texts on Hinduism ie (Bhagvad Gita, Ramayana) and Buddhism (Dhammapada, Life of Buddha, Lotus) etc. I need someone with LOTS OF experience in South Asian History, Philosophy and, Religion to write an ivy league school quality paper. It needs to have rich analysis and explore both texts in immense detail beyond superficial analysis. The topic is as follows: How would you compare and contrast the Dhammapada with the Bhagavad Gita in regards to structure, style and apparent purpose? How useful of a comparison is this for thinking about the relationship between Buddhism and Hinduism?