Explain why switzerland ssystem is what it is and the changes it had in the last decades.

In the introduction explain the swiss banking system (small mid sized)and all the the sectors in it Including credit, compliance, investment specialist ecc. Explain why switzerland ssystem is what it is and the changes it had in the last decades.
Explain the roles of every sector and what they do toget^her as explaining the bigger goal of a bank.

Give great importance to RM (Relationship Mnagers) and explain why the are the most important part of the bank.

Explain the different types of customers (HNWI UHNWI ecc.) and the ecceptions that can be made for the (direct access to trading room ecc.)
Explain all types of accounts and mandates and explain why they have different prices. For example an advisory account will cost more that an account which the bank can\’T give advise.

Explain how banking/compliance has changed and the MIFID 1 & 2 rules that are taking place in switzerland and how that is gonna change the banking game.

The core of the research paper needs to be Bonds/fixed income. Explain why in general all portfolio\’s have more bonds than stocks. Explain call and put options and talk about how everyone nowadays is betting on calls and puts on the VIX (volatility will always go up and down at the same level, watch graph). Explain all types of bonds possible. Explain the different types of payments like pay-by-Kind and all the ways companies can restructure their debt (like oedebrecht recently). Put as much writing as possible on bonds and investment but especially bonds.
Conclude by saying that times have changed and many \”cheats\” that would have benefited the customers connot be done anymore because of such and such.

Thanks and let me know if you need help,
I now it\’s not a lot of time. Add extra if you find it relevant