This is the methodology chapter. the thesis was examined and I need you to just add some points to the following sections:
Editing/adding to :
3.3 Research design and methods p.75 This section 3.3 could include an overview of why observations, interviews and document analysis were the chosen methods. 1 page
3.3.1 Observations p.77 Here, justify observation as a method, and your type of observation (smi- structured)… 2 pages
p. 84 It would seem to be here that you need to add detail about the documents. 1 page
3.5.3 Describing, classifying and interpreting data into codes and themes p. 95 Please discuss how the theoretical framework supported me with the analysis 2 pages
Editing instruction
Please try to match my writing style.
try to avoid dated references , and articles should be paired reviewed.
please keep the comments in the document and use track change so I can track the new section added..
add support citations with direct quots
I would like you also to provide me with the reference list apa style and if you can send the pdf of the used articles.
Creswell (2013) Silverman, (2015) Yin, (2014 (Crotty, 2003)..might be useful