Read the excerpt fromBatman and Psychology(Langley, 2012),The Psychodynamic Duo, and write a short (1 to 2 pages) response which addresses the questions below.
Please also note the formatting requirements.
If you are unfamiliar with the Batman story, you can read theintroduction section of the characters Wikipedia page
1. Summarize the key points of the reading.
2. Why (according to psychodynamic theory) does Batman not meet the tragic end that Hamlet does? Why are defense mechanisms important for this interpretation?
3. What are some of the limitations of Psychodynamics discussed in the reading?
1-2 pages (this means at least one full page of text, but no more than two full pages of text).
12-point Times New Roman, (or equivalent) font.
1 margins (this might not be the default setting, so check it).
Title should be the same font as the rest of the paper and take up no more than one line
Only include your name in the header of your document. It should not take up more than one line.
Do not use bullet-points or outline numbering
Check your document for spelling and grammar errors.