This paper is consisted of TWO parts:
FIRST PART – To prepare an OUTLINE for a DNP project that presents all the components of a qualitative approach to studying my phenomenon of interest [My proposed PICOT question : In postpartum, women undergoing either vaginal or cesarean delivery (P), does hourly rounding and use of whiteboard (I), compared to no rounding and no use of whiteboard (C), increase patient satisfaction with pain management (O) in a 3-month trial period (T)?] . The outline should include citations to pages in the textbooks or other course reading on methodology or sources of data. *Note: My phenomenon of interest is the impact of hourly rounding and whiteboard use intervention on patient satisfaction with pain management for postpartum women.
Components of the Outlines (bullet points) – MUST INCLUDE ALL THE POINTS BELOW. MUST HAVE REFERENCES!!!
A. Name of phenomenon
1. Significance: why important
a. Issues related to clinical practice
b. Specific questions (not interview , rather research questions)
2. Background
a. Topical/conceptual areas needed for a review of the literature
b. Conceptual frame (if relevant)
3. Methods
a. Design
b. Location – Queens Hospital Center, Mother/Baby unit or Postpartum unit or B2East
c. Sources of Participant – All postpartum women, including both normal delivery and cesarean delivery patients
d. Sample size – approximately 50 patients in 3 months trial
4. Data collection & Data analysis – I\’m thinking of collecting survey (maybe pretest/protest survey before initiation of whiteboard & hourly rounding and after initiation of whiteboard & hourly rounding). For patient satisfaction, I can also obtain the HCAHPS (the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) score (again, before and after the implementation).
a. What data
b. How collected, when, where
5. Ways to insure scientific integrity
a. What approach
b. What levels
c. Qual software
6. Other
a. Anticipated time frame – 3 months trial
b. Resources needed to complete
c. People, places, things, Cost
*For your reference, the rubric for this outline is:
— Articulation of theoretical premises with approach and background literature on phenomenon (20%)
— Systematic organization of content essential for a qualitative project (20%)
— Inclusion of major sections of the proposal, with justification, in outline (30%)
— Identification of methodological concerns and proposed solutions (20%)
— Clarity, grammar, references, APA (10%)
PART TWO – PowerPoint Presentation based on the information or components of the Outlines above in first part, must be presentable. Please also add \”notes\” below slides that need to further explain the concept.
Components of the PowerPoint slides (only need 6 slides), and it should be presentable and should based on the format below:
Slide 1: – title etc
Slide 2 – Phenom of interest, main variables, specific aims, definitions (if applicable) why chose this, etc (Need references)
Slide 3 & 4 – Background: key points from literature on what is known, what is not known (Need references)
Slide 5 – Methods (1): design, sample, sampling , location, recruitment Slide 6 – Methods (2): data collection, approaches to data analysis (what instruments, e.g. t-test, ANOVA … etc)
*I would like to do a research on Mother/Baby unit regarding to the implementation of whiteboard use in each patient room and hourly nursing rounding…to see if there is a positive impact on pain management and increase patient satisfaction. **If you can think of other ideas of how to run this research, you can use your ideas too. I\’m just trying to think it simple…to do survey and obtain HCAHPS score from the hospital.