Develop an argumentative research paper in which you explore the history of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their purpose.

In connection to the final research paper, you will be required to develop an argumentative research paper in which you explore the history of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their purpose. With the use of secondary sources, you will arguefororagainstthe preservation and necessity of theseinstitutions based on their merit, purpose, and your own personal experiences. (I attend Shaw University).

For the purpose of this assignment, you will complete a large portion of your research through creating and evaluating your sources. You will need to havesixsources that explore the history, as well as the bothsides of the argument.

The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to:

1) Deepen your understanding of the topic as you proceed through your sources
2) Evaluate how reliable each source is, depending upon its slant, and
3) Enter into an ongoing conversation or debate about your historical event/issue. It will be separate from the pages or note cards on which you write down notes, ideas, direct quotes, etc.

Format of the annotated bibliography

At the top of the page beginning each entry, identify your source incorrect MLA style. Then address the following questions (understanding that not all will be pertinent to each source).

Evaluating the Content

Who is the author(s) and what is his/her expertise in the subject? (Note: if your source is written anonymously, what might that suggest? If it is a government document, what does that mean?)
What did you learn from this source (in general terms–this is not your note-taking venue)
What is the thesis or claim of this reading? Is there a perspective or slant that you can identify?
Does this source acknowledge opposing viewpoint(s)? Does it do so fairly?
Is this piece intended as an argument? Is it an effective one?
How does this information connect to or contradict other sources you are reading on this topic?
Are there sources cited in this reading that you would find useful? That you would distrust?
other observations?

Evaluating the rhetorical setting (who is talking to whom)
What do you think is the motive or purpose of the author?
Who do you think is the intended readership/audience for this source? How does that affect its content and language?
How does the writer try to persuade readers (ethos? logos? pathos?)
other observations?

Concluding entry in your journal (for each paper)
At the end of your journal for each specific paper assignment, address the following questions:
1) Did the source lead to other ideas?
2) Was the source too broad?
3) Did the source change your mind?
4) Did the source give you ideas for further research?

Note: because this will be fairly complete by the time you begin drafting your paper (although you will need to add additional sources as you write), your first draft should be pretty easy to do!
Your format should look like the following and be placed in alphabetical order by the last name ofauthor. You will need to include direct quotesforeach source in the content that you provide. Be specific and avoid being vague. The idea is to have detailed information that will help you write your final paper for the class.

Example from Student:

Amaro, Carla. \”Fact Sheet: How Bad Is the School-to-Prison Pipeline?\” PBS, 28 Mar. 2013. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.

Evaluating the content:
Carla Amurao, author of the article Fact Sheet: How bad is the school to prison pipeline? has no particular expertise in the subject of the connection between public schools andAmerica\’sprison system, yet this article is a great informative piece produced fromwell-gatheredsources and interviews.How so? Give an example.Within thearticle, there was much to learn of thelittle-knownepidemic affecting students of color, such as African American and Hispanic youth. The main thesis or claim of the article was statistics reflect that these policies disproportionately target students of color and those with a history of abuse, neglect, poverty and learning disabilities.Follow MLA guidelinesAmuraos position in believing that students of color are targeted by disproportionate policies is extremely relevant to minority communities. The article briefly acknowledges opposing viewpoints, but it does not do so fairly; because the article is more so a one sided/ informative piece. The information given within this article connects to other sources through logistic language; most of all the articles Ive read on this topic are displaying statistics and facts on the subject that are informative to the reader. There were about two sources within the article that I found useful, including an infographic picture demonstrating a general overview of the problem followed by several helpful facts.

Evaluating the rhetorical setting:
In my opinion, I think the author was successful in her motive to simply spread the word and educate the intended readership, whicharethose who is considered the minority, whose children will be, if not already, affected by the epidemic. The content through the use of informative language.Amuropersuades the reader through the use of logos and pathos. Students who are forced out of school for disruptive behavior are usually sent back to the origin of their angst and unhappiness.

Concluding entry on your journal:
The sourceleadsto other ideas, such as how can we help prevent this plague fromaffectingour students of color and what can be done now to raise awareness. In my opinion, the source was somewhat broad in certain areas of reader interest such as interviews to grasp more of an emotional appeal. The source did not change my mind at all about the topic; it encouraged me to do further research on interviews and actual student test scores and percentage of suspensions rooting from zero tolerance policies