Describe the experience of miscarriage in the emergency department

> 2000 words, (could be 200 words more or 200 words less) – the template word count is not included on that 2000 words
> Need 8 to 10 references, based on Harvard referencing guide, reference articles should be peer reviewed only from 2007-2017
> Times new roman, font 12, spacing 1.5
> Referencing

>>> For referencing of the actual article that has been chosen to be critiqued, the first time it is referenced it should be the author,(s) publication date, section (or paragraph) and page number (where the information from the article is located)

Example: (Smith et al, 2015, paragraph 2, p. 113)

2. Subsequent referencing of the chosen article can then just be the section (or paragraph) and page number (where the information from the article is located),

Example: (paragraph 5, p. 115) OR (Introduction, p. 114) this saves having to put the author(s) and publication date over and over again.

3. Other additional supporting references must follow in-text University of South Australia Harvard referencing style.

The rationale for this is that we want you to be able to demonstrate where you located the information you are using within the chosen article.

Word Count

The word count of the Assignment template is listed at the end of the template.

The template word count is not counted towards the overall word count. Ie: The qualitative template word count is 498 words, so the overall word count for this Assignment could be 2,500 words (2,5000 approx. 500 words = 2,000 words).