describe interested to apply in Imperial business college for the next academic year 2017-2018

1. I am interested to apply in Imperial business college for the next academic year 2017-2018
2. I would like to express interest in the msc in finance in this college ( i aspire to enter the program and i am confident that my academic background in Finance will fulfill with their requirements)
3. I graduated from la salle university in Barcelona, which sparked my interest in finance field since I specialized in this area
4. after completing msc in finance and getting required work experience I would love to pass the CFA exam. with an excellent background that i would receive in Imperial college I would be able to become the CFA charter-holder and thus to prove my qualification.
5. over the course of undergraduate years at la salle university , each student has an opportunity to take a semester at a business school abroad. I studied at the Trondheim business school in Norway during the second semester of my third year degree. the university was a though-out decision That semester was a turning point of my life. I have learned to respect the beliefs of others and to adapt to different environments; the exchange helped me to gain deeper understanding of the outward things and to discover new aspects of myself. I have lived with people from all over the world, who helped me to deepen my knowledge of foreign cultures even beyond Norway. That experience made me grow a lot as an individual and encouraged me to move abroad.
( or smt similar please change this in another way)
6. i should be noted that my introduction to foreign cultures began long before that exchange program since I spend three month in San Diego California and London during summer time improving my English level.
7. Throughout the bachelor studies I had a chance to intern at familiar company an optical store as an administrative assistant role. I don\’t have to much work experience to prove that I Know how this financial world works therefore I will need to strengthened this point as much as possible
8. I want to focus my career path in investment banking or corporate finance
9. In order to accomplish my goals I was looking for an appropriate university paying special attention to quantitative issues of sciences due to my penchant for mathematics. As I found out, imperial is famous for its in-depth teaching of quantitative aspects of finance. Moreover,imperial finance program was ranked first in Uk business school by the financial times

thank you I am waiting for your answer

best regards