Compare and contrast these two articles from this week\’s reading on this topic: the war on drugs.
-There\’s No Justice in the War on Drugs
-Wilson on legalization
Write an essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
You will be graded on organization, flow, supporting evidence (argumentation), integration of quotations, and grammar.
For organization, you might consider the following:
intro paragraph gives overview of the topic and articles
first two or three body paragraphs show similarities / comparisons between the two articles
next two or three body paragraphs show differences / contrasts between the two articles
For points of comparison / contrast, think about all aspects of the articles: their tone, diction, voice, attitude, style, depth, approach, use of evidence (or lack of), sources, overall and paragraph-level organization, and so on.
You may use MLA style for your citations.
Be sure to proofread.