[British Literature] Doctor Faustus (Shakespeare\’s Globe Theatre)

The Drama Report provides you with the opportunity to respond formally to one of the examples of dram on film we will experience over the course of the semester. The purpose of the report is for you to isolate on key aspect of the performance and develop a clear thesis, supported by evidence from the film and the text itself, making a dramatic and literary claim about the production. You may choose to focus on such aspects of the production as casting, costuming, lighting, the stage setting itself, editorial considerations, aesthetic or artistic concerns or similar concepts related to drama appreciation and textual analysis. The report must not be a mere summary of the performance in question but rather an analytical discussion with a clear thesis, well-organized main ideas supported by evidence, and a thorough introduction and conclusion. All written work is expected to meet if not exceed the standards of ENGL 1102 and follow the guidelines of the Modern Language Association for style. Drama Reports are to be not significantly (50 words) more or less than 1000 words, presented in twelve-point font, double spaced, stapled in the top left.